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Efficiency Comes in Pairs

Oct 15, 2024


By Carla DiGirolamo MD, CFL1


The simplest way to build an efficient and effective workout is to select two movements that complement each other and bring them to life within a set time domain.


Why is time so important? Because intensity equals the amount of work performed in a given timeframe. Three sets of 10 squats performed in 6 minutes will exert a much different effect than 3 sets of 10 squats at the same weight performed in 10 minutes. Greater intensity stimulates greater adaptation of the body to the workload. A greater capacity to adapt leads to greater physical fitness.


Why this workout is great for midlife women:

  •  Builds/maintains muscle mass and strength in the legs and core
  •  Stimulates bone tissue to maintain and build bone density
  •  Intensity promotes metabolic and cardiovascular health
  •  Keeps the joints moving and reduces injury risk by maintaining muscle strength and stability.

Enjoy this one!


Warm Up


4 Rounds – light load

*1 round = Up-downs, then sit-ups, then air squats


Movement Practice


Choose a weight for the dumbbell front squat that is on the heavier side with the goal of doing all 5 reps unbroken, but reps 4 and 5 are VERY challenging.


** The appropriate squat depth is when the hip crease drops just below the knees. Test out your range of motion with body weight only! If you have limitations in your knees, set up a box, chair or bench as a target depth that is pain-free. Once you find your range of motion, add weight until reps 4-5 are challenging at that depth but not ugly. This is your workout weight.


Modification: If you do not have heavy weights available, use lighter weights and do a “tempo” sequence for the movement with a slow count of 3 in the direction of resistance and a count of 1 to release for the 5 repetitions.


For the V-Ups, watch the VIDEO and choose an option that will allow you to do 10 repetitions within 30 seconds.




EMOM 20:00 (every minute on the minute x 20 minutes). Set your timer for EMOM (1:00) x 20 minutes or set a 20-minute timer. On even minutes, perform the V-Ups. On odd minutes perform the front squat. THESE SHOULD BE ON THE HEAVIER SIDE! Reps 4 and 5 should be hard but not ugly. All squat repetitions should be done unbroken.

EVEN minutes – starting at 0:00 – 10 V-Ups

ODD minutes -starting at 1:00 – 5 heavy barbell or dumbbell front squats




Enjoy this 15-minute post-workout stretch that will help your upper and lower body on its way to fast recovery.

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